Medications and Therapies for Muscular Dystrophy

Medications and Therapies for Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases that causes loss of muscle mass and progressive weakness. It is caused by genetic mutations that impede the production of muscle proteins that are necessary for building and maintaining healthy muscles. Muscular dystrophy is an incurable condition, but there are medical and physical treatments that can slow the progression and improve symptoms. The medications and therapies that doctors recommend for treating muscular dystrophy include the following: 1. Medication for muscular dystrophy To treat people suffering from muscular dystrophy, doctors might suggest the following medication: Corticosteroids This medication helps improve the strength of muscles and slows down the progression of some forms of muscular dystrophy. However, prolonged use can lead to weight gain. Additionally, prolonged use can cause weak bones, which increases the chances of fractures. As a result, one should consume this only after a doctor’s recommendation. Heart medication This is administered if the disease causes damage to the heart’s muscles, followed by the overall condition of the heart. Eteplirsen This medication, among the treatments for muscular dystrophy, is the first to be approved by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Though this medication is considered safe, the effectiveness of the drug is unclear.
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Diagnosing and Treating Stomach Cancer

Diagnosing and Treating Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer can start and spread in several ways. A diagnosis of this condition implies the tumor originated in the stomach and may or may not have spread to other parts of the body, depending on the stage of cancer. The treatment procedures opted for depend on the types of stomach cancer and its progress so far. They also depend on the ability of the patient to withstand the methods used. This article talks about the types, methods of diagnosis, stages, and treatments of stomach cancer. 1. Types of stomach cancer Adenocarcinoma of the stomach This is the most commonly diagnosed type of stomach cancer. Approximately 90-95% of the cases are of this type and it develops from the cells that form the innermost lining of the stomach. Lymphoma of the stomach This type accounts for 4% of stomach cancers and occurs when cancerous cells form in the lymphatic tissue that can be found in the wall of the stomach. Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) These are rare tumors that form in the muscle or connective tissue of the stomach wall. They may be benign and can also be found in other parts of the digestive tract. Neuroendocrine tumors The cancerous cells, in this type of stomach cancer, form tumors in the hormone-making cells.
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5 Essential Tips to Help Cope with Dementia

5 Essential Tips to Help Cope with Dementia

Contrary to popular belief, dementia is not considered to be a disease. The term is generally used to indicate some of the diseases that come with a group of similar symptoms such as memory problems or a decline in thinking skills. Alzheimer’s disease is considered to be the most common cause of dementia and accounts for at least 70% of cases. As the symptoms of this condition are quite severe and can reduce the ability to perform regular activities, coping with it becomes almost impossible. Thus, if you are suffering from this challenging situation and are looking for some help, then giving a quick read to the lifestyle tips for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease which are listed below, can prove to be quite beneficial. 1. Schedule wisely Almost every patient who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, finds it very difficult to do normal things such as following a schedule. Thus to cope with this situation, you would have to take your time and establish a new daily routine that can help you live a quality life. Some of the important tasks, such as bathing or cooking, are easier when you are most alert. Thus, make sure to take your time and schedule everything wisely.
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Effective Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Effective Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Breast cancer forms in the cells of the breast and those cells can spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer in women and the second deadliest form of cancer. Symptoms of having breast cancer are changes in the shape of the nipple or breast, bloody discharge from the nipple, a lump in the breast and changes in the texture of the nipple. Diagnosis of having this disease can be done through MRI, ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. Preventive care can and should be taken to lower one’s risk of getting this disease: 1. Smoking and breast cancer Smoking has been linked to breast cancer as well as many other forms of cancer. Cigarette smoke is filled with toxins and can spread to any organ in the body. Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer should definitely refrain from smoking. Smoking can increase complications from their cancer treatment. It’s best not to smoke at all because smoking can cause other diseases as well as cancer . Second hand smoke is just as deadly. 2. Hormone replacement therapy To reduce the symptoms of menopause some women take hormone replacement therapy. While this may lessen the symptoms they are experiencing it can raise the risk of them getting breast cancer.
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Osteoporosis: Symptoms and Treatments

Osteoporosis: Symptoms and Treatments

Osteoporosis is a type of disease that is very common and diagnosed often. 200 million is the estimation of how many people are suffering from this condition on a daily basis. The biggest cause leading up to osteoporosis is lacking a certain hormone, estrogen and androgen in women and men, respectively. One in three women and one in five men are diagnosed each year. There are different symptoms associated with osteoporosis, as well as different treatment options for those suffering from this disease: 1. Symptom: Loss of height As people age, it is common to lose a little height. However, it is not normal to lose too much height. Too much can range anywhere from three-fourths of an inch upwards to two and one-half inches. If your height loss is around this much or more, contact your doctor to make sure you did not fracture your spine. 2. Symptom: Back Pain The definition of osteoporosis is porous bone. So, when bones are porous, they tend to fracture of break more often and easier. This is why spine fractures are very common. Sometimes these fractures can be painless. But other times, back pain can easily be a symptom of osteoporosis if the pain is caused by damaged vertebrae.
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Gastric Cancer Risk Factors

Gastric Cancer Risk Factors

Gastric cancer affects the lives of more than 27,000 people in the United States. The variety of different cancers all pose different symptoms and risk factors. While risk factors associated with cancer does not signify a definite diagnosis, knowing what to look for is essential to early detection and treatment to increase the chance of survival. Researchers have discovered a host of several risk factors in relation to stomach cancer. The major risk factors associated with gastric cancer include the following: 1. Tobacco use Smoking can lead to a number of different diseases and complications within the body, and stomach cancer is no exception. Smoking increases the risk of developing cancers in the upper region of the body, as its toxins can cause damage to the esophagus and other areas located near the stomach. 2. Diet Maintaining a proper diet and nutrition helps reduce the risk of developing gastric cancer. However, studies have shown that those who consume large amounts of smoked or salted foods, fast food, and pickled vegetables are at greater risk of being diagnosed later in life. This is because nitrates and nitrites are often found in these foods, and can be converted to harmful bacteria that promotes the growth of cancer cells in the stomach.
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Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms

Pneumonia Signs and Symptoms

Pneumonia is a serious infection that causes inflammation in the lungs that causes a cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Pneumonia happens when a viral infection gets deep into the lung’s air sacs and the infection fills the lungs with fluid and sometimes pus. As the infection takes over, it becomes increasingly harder to catch your breath and can get to the point where oxygen deprivation ends up affecting the rest of the body. Research has shown that people who are two years old and younger and sixty-five years old and older are more likely to be susceptible to pneumonia as they do not have an immune system strong enough to fight off the infection or symptoms. Pneumonia can present itself in one or both of the lungs, while others have pneumonia and never suffer from any symptoms at all, which is commonly known as walking pneumonia. It is also important to get tested for pneumonia sooner rather than later as a bacterial lung infection and a fungal lung infection can be spread to people around you. The following are the signs and symptoms of pneumonia that you need to know: 1. Chest pains One of the most common symptoms of pneumonia that people experience is a pain in the chest, specifically when they take deep breaths or when they cough.
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The Risk Factors for Depression

The Risk Factors for Depression

Depression is a mood disorder that affects millions of people across the United States. It is more than a bout of the blues, it is a disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in once enjoyable activities. Depression affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, which can lead to a number of physical and emotional problems. Depression requires treatment, such as medication and psychotherapy. If you or a close relative is showing signs of depression such as lack of sleep, a decrease in their appetite, and a change in their normal behavior, it is important to contact a professional right away. While the exact causes of depression are unknown, there are certain risk factors that may be involved, including the following: 1. Death or loss The death or loss of a family member or close friend can easily cause someone to slip into depression. The overwhelming feeling of sadness and worthlessness can start to take over the body and mind rather quickly. By seeking out help for clinical depression, you can avoid suffering longer than necessary. 2. Abuse Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of depression and the number of victims continues to increase daily.
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5 Effective Hyperhidrosis Treatments

5 Effective Hyperhidrosis Treatments

While sweating is fairly common during hot, muggy days or during strenuous workouts, hyperhidrosis is a condition that causes chronic, abnormal and excessively heavy sweating. Patients with hyperhydrosis often perspire so much that the sweat literally saturates their clothing, often resulting in self-consciousness and social stress. While sweating is the nervous system’s natural way to cool off when you’re hot or anxious, patients who suffer with primary focal hyperhidrosis have overactive sweat glands, which means they sweat regardless of temperature, mood, or activity. However, when patients with hyperhydrosis feel stressed, sweating often becomes even more profuse. Hyperhidrosis symptoms and signs include: Frequent sweating that soaks and stains clothing Frequent changing of clothing or using sweat pads Chronically clammy palms or feet Sweating that causes social withdrawal, self-consciousness, and/or depression Fear of human contact Stress concerning body odor Frequent fungal or bacterial infections of the skin Heavy sweating with lightheadedness and/or nausea Medical researchers link the cause of primary focal hyperhidrosis to genetics or family history. Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is excessive perspiration linked to an underlying medical condition, such as hyperthyroidism, perimenopause, diabetic hypoglycemia, anxiety disorder, heart disease, and bacterial infections (i.e., HIV, abscess, endocarditis, etc.). Taking certain doctor-prescribe medications can also cause excessive sweating (i.e., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, opioids, etc.).
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5 Ways to Manage Overactive Bladder (OAB)

5 Ways to Manage Overactive Bladder (OAB)

Overactive bladder (OAB) causes the muscles in your bladder to contract involuntarily resulting in the constant urge to urinate. Symptoms of overactive bladder OAB are frequent and cause sudden urges to urinate, unintended urine loss (or accidents), and the need to wake several times throughout the night to urinate. While there is no cure for OAB, there are treatments and lifestyle habits you can adopt to help manage OAB symptoms and reduce accidents: 1. Kegel exercises Doing Kegel exercises on a daily basis can help with OAB. This exercise will help build stronger pelvic muscles helping improve control of the bladder. Remember to pee before attempting Kegels. To perform a kegel simply squeeze, hold, release, and relax your pelvic muscles. Repeat for at least 10 repetitions 2 to 3 times a day. You’ll notice the difference in no time. 2. Minimize caffeine intake The one big thing about OAB is the fact that urination can come sudden and frequent. Well so does the intake of caffeine. Not to the same extent but when your suffering from OAB Increasing those urges isn’t something you want. Caffeine worsens your symptoms point blank and period so stay away from it. However, Decaf is not as bad if you can’t simply cut out caffeine cold turkey.
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