8 Foods That Help With Depression

8 Foods That Help With Depression

Clinical depression is a mental health disorder that affects millions of people every year. It can cause feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that can be difficult to overcome. It can interfere with your ability to work, study, eat, sleep, and enjoy life. While there are many treatments available for depression, some people may also benefit from making dietary changes. Here are eight foods that can help improve your mood and alleviate symptoms of depression: 1. Fermented foods Fermented foods, such as yogurt and sauerkraut, contain probiotics. Probiotics are live bacteria that have been shown to improve mental health by reducing inflammation in the body and improving mood. Additionally, these foods are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also linked to improved mental health. 2. Dark chocolate Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These natural compounds have also been shown to act as antidepressants by increasing levels of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine—also known as the “happiness hormones”—in the brain. 3. Spinach and Swiss chard Spinach and Swiss chard are leafy green vegetables that are high in folate. Folate is a water-soluble vitamin that helps the body produce neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that play a role in mood regulation.
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The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

The Best Time to Drink Water for Maximum Health Benefits

Drinking water is one of the most important factors of healthy living. Water replaces fluids lost through urination, perspiration, and digestion and ensures that your organs function properly. Research shows that drinking water can help ward off chronic health problems. Here is the best time to drink water for maximum health benefits. 1. When you wake up Drinking water after you wake up is a great way to start the day. It flushes out any toxins that build up in your body overnight. It helps to keep your skin clear and moisturized and keeps you from getting headaches. However, according to some studies, chlorine found in tap water can lead to the formation of toxic compounds like trihalomethanes when ingested in large quantities—so drink water from approved brands when possible. 2. Before each meal Drinking water before you eat is another great way to start the day. Water replenishes your body with fluids lost through sweat, perspiration, and urination. It also helps you feel full faster and helps your body stay hydrated throughout the day. Research suggests drinking water before a meal can help reduce the risk of weight gain or obesity. It also decreases cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure.
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FAQ: What Medicare Doesn’t Cover

FAQ: What Medicare Doesn’t Cover

Medicare is an insurance plan by the U.S. government that subsidizes treatment costs for citizens who are 65 or above. They also extend these services to those below this age who have disabilities or are at end-stage renal disease. However, the program does not cover all their treatments. There are still a few services that will need you to get an alternative payment method, such as the Medicare Advantage plan enrollment: 1. Out of U.S. health coverage Since Medicare only works for residents of the United States, it may not assist you when you go to seek treatment overseas. However, with part B Medicare coverage, you can get some benefits, especially if you temporarily live outside the US. You can also enroll in Patient Assistance Programs or work with your private insurer to help you sort the medical bills. 2. Prescription drugs Medicare can supplement your prescription drug payment if you enroll for Medicare Part D. You will need to pay monthly premiums for your desired plan. Your insurer will then help you pay for the prescribed medication. Patient assistance programs (PAPs) also help people with no insurance or those underinsured to pay for their drugs. These plans mostly come from pharmaceutical companies, governments, and NGOs.
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U.S. Cities With the Highest Rates of Lung Cancer

U.S. Cities With the Highest Rates of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is an incurable disease in which malignant cancer cells start growing in the lungs of an individual. The main cause of lung cancer is smoking or exposure to asbestos or other dangerous chemicals. While lung cancer is incurable that doesn’t mean there aren’t measures that can be taken to help prevent it. For example, you can avoid the cities with the highest lung cancer rates per capita, such as these U.S. cities: 1. Corpus Christi, Texas This city is known to rank fifth for the most smokers out of all the cities in the U.S. This is because Texas hasn’t yet put into effect a comprehensive smoking ban like other states have. As mentioned before smoking is a leading cause of lung cancer, so it makes sense why lung cancer rates are high in Corpus Christi. This city also has an increasing number of older residents which can also contribute to the high lung cancer rates as when you age you are more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer. 2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania The rate of new lung cancer cases is significantly higher than the national average in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On top of that, Pennsylvania ranked 15th out of all the states of lung cancer cases that did not receive any treatment.
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Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease directly attacks the central nervous system. You might first notice symptoms after a tremor, or dyskinesia, develops. Parkinson’s progressively worsens overtime, so once symptoms arise, many patients go to the doctor to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan. There is no cure, but the treatments and medications available can help with symptoms, such as Austedo XR that helps with dyskinesia. Catching Parkinson’s early on can help slow symptom progression as well as help you manage the disease better—here are some early signs to watch out for: 1. Dyskinesia Dyskinesia, or a tremor, is typically one of the first signs people notice of Parkinson’s and is the most characteristic symptom of the disease. Dyskinesia causes uncontrollable muscle movements that normally begin as slight shaking in areas of the body, like the fingers or hand, and it can progress to more severe shaking. Other areas of the body may also become impacted with tremors over time, it can extend to the face and neck, legs, jaw, and arms. These tremors, especially when they become more severe, can make it challenging to hold items like utensils—eventually, the patient may not be able to feed themself. 2. Muscle stiffness If your body has been feeling inflexible and stiff, and daily tasks like tying your shoes, writing, and turning over in bed feel more challenging to complete, this could be a sign of Parkinson’s disease.
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The Worst Foods For Psoriasis And Treatment Options

The Worst Foods For Psoriasis And Treatment Options

Managing psoriasis involves a comprehensive approach that extends beyond skin treatments like psoriasis ointment for the scalp. Diet plays a crucial role, and understanding the impact of certain foods on psoriasis symptoms is essential. In this article, we explore the worst foods for psoriasis and discuss treatment options, including skin psoriasis ointment, to help those dealing with this skin condition make informed choices for a more comfortable and nourished skin. 1. Processed and sugary foods Foods high in processed sugars and refined carbohydrates can exacerbate inflammation, potentially worsening psoriasis symptoms. Individuals with psoriasis should limit their intake of sugary snacks, sodas, and processed meals to help manage inflammation and support overall skin health. 2. Red meat and high-fat dairy Red meat and high-fat dairy products may contribute to inflammation in the body. These foods contain saturated fats, which can trigger an inflammatory response, potentially impacting psoriasis. Consider replacing red meat with leaner protein sources and opting for low-fat dairy or dairy alternatives. 3. Nightshade vegetables Nightshade vegetables like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants contain compounds that may contribute to inflammation in some individuals. While not everyone with psoriasis is sensitive to nightshades, it may be worth experimenting with reducing or eliminating these vegetables from the diet to observe any changes in symptoms.
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How Your Diet Can Impact Stem Cell Treatment for ALS

How Your Diet Can Impact Stem Cell Treatment for ALS

As medical advancements continue to unfold, the potential of treating ALS with stem cells is becoming more promising. However, while we wait for this breakthrough, managing symptoms and maintaining the quality of life for those with ALS is of utmost importance. One way to do this is through a healthy diet. But, not all foods are beneficial for ALS patients. In fact, some could potentially worsen their condition. Here are the five worst foods for those with ALS: 1. Processed meats Processed meats, such as hot dogs, bacon, and deli meats, are high in sodium and preservatives. These ingredients can lead to fluid retention and increased blood pressure, which can further strain the body of an ALS patient. Plus, these foods are also high in unhealthy fats that can contribute to obesity, a condition that can exacerbate ALS symptoms. 2. Sugary drinks and snacks Excessive sugar intake can lead to a variety of health problems, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. For ALS patients, sugary drinks and snacks can lead to rapid weight gain, making mobility even more challenging. Additionally, these foods offer little to no nutritional value, making them a poor choice for someone needing nutrient-dense foods to combat the effects of ALS.
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7 Foods That Help Manage Macular Degeneration

7 Foods That Help Manage Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye condition that affects a significant portion of the population, especially those over the age of 50. This condition comes in two forms: wet AMD and dry AMD. Both forms can lead to vision loss if not managed properly. While there are treatments available, certain dietary changes can also help manage the symptoms of macular degeneration. Here are seven foods that can help manage this condition. 1. Leafy green vegetables Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that are beneficial for eye health. These antioxidants are found in high concentrations in the macula, the part of the eye affected by AMD. By increasing your intake of these vegetables, you can help protect your macula from damage. 2. Fish Fish, particularly fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy fats are essential for maintaining good eye health. They can reduce inflammation, which is a key factor in the progression of AMD. 3. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that can protect your eyes from damaging free radicals.
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5 Household Cleaning Products Professionals Swear By

5 Household Cleaning Products Professionals Swear By

In the world of professional cleaning, there are certain products that are non-negotiable. These are the tools of the trade that professionals swear by for their reliability, efficiency, and overall cleaning power. Top of the list are Clorox and Glad trash bags, which are staples in any professional cleaner’s arsenal. But what other products do these experts rely on? Here are five household cleaning products that professionals swear by. 1. Clorox Disinfecting Wipes When it comes to cleaning surfaces, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are a favorite among professionals. These pre-moistened wipes are convenient, easy to use, and incredibly effective at eliminating germs. They can be used on a variety of surfaces, including countertops, doorknobs, and even electronics, making them a versatile addition to any cleaning kit. 2. Glad Trash Bags Glad trash bags are another staple in the professional cleaner’s toolkit. Known for their durability and strength, these bags can handle even the heaviest loads without tearing or leaking. Plus, they come in a variety of sizes and styles, including odor-blocking and recyclable options, to suit any cleaning need. 3. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is a must-have for tackling tough stains and scuffs. This innovative cleaning tool can remove marks from walls, floors, and even appliances with ease.
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5 Early Warning Signs of Dementia

5 Early Warning Signs of Dementia

As professionals in the health field, we often get questions about the early warning signs of dementia. Many families are concerned about their loved ones and want to be prepared to provide the best care possible. This is where Assisted Senior and Elder Care Living Homes and Dementia Nursing Care Homes come into play. They are designed to provide specialized care for those experiencing cognitive decline. But before we delve into these care options, let’s discuss the five early warning signs of dementia. 1. Memory loss that disrupts daily life One of the most common signs of dementia is memory loss, particularly forgetting recently learned information. While it’s normal to forget appointments or names occasionally, individuals with dementia will forget these things more frequently and not remember them later. 2. Difficulty planning or solving problems Some people may experience changes in their ability to develop and follow a plan or work with numbers. They may have trouble following a familiar recipe or keeping track of monthly bills. They may also find it challenging to concentrate and take much longer to do things than they did before. 3. Difficulty completing familiar tasks People with dementia often find it hard to complete daily tasks.
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