Surgeries for Treating Kidney Cancer

Surgeries for Treating Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is quite rare and diagnosing the symptoms can be difficult. In most cases, the disease remains undetected, is accidentally found, or is diagnosed in the later stages. Doctors will often suggest surgery as it is one of the best treatments for renal (kidney) cancer and gives patients the best means of survival. Doctors remove the affected kidney, helping patients live a longer life. Based on the stage of cancer and the affected area, doctors perform surgery to remove the cancer-affected parts along with kidney tissues. In most cases, the surgery is also done to remove the adrenal gland and fatty tissues. Some different surgeries that are used to treat kidney cancer include the following: 1. Radical nephrectomy One of the most common treatments for renal/kidney cancer, in this procedure doctors mostly remove the kidney along with the adrenal gland, fat tissues, and lymph nodes present around the kidney. Doctors even make a slit in different places. The slits made are mostly in the belly region and the back. The surgery comes with its set of advantages, as it helps the doctors understand the situation and the stage. Sometimes, doctors even leave the adrenal gland if cancer only affects the lower part of the kidney.
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Avoid These Foods to Prevent Migraines

Avoid These Foods to Prevent Migraines

Migraines can be an extremely difficult condition to handle. Only through several medicines, injections, and diet can it be controlled to a certain extent. However, if you suffer from migraines, you must be aware of certain foods that trigger a migraine, which you should steer clear from. Given below is a list of foods to be avoided: 1. Caffeine Caffeine can make you addicted within days. So experts suggest reducing the intake of coffee or tea. Initially, it may appear that these types of foods wouldn’t cause any headaches. In reality, coffee or tea drinkers just get hooked onto the taste, flavor, and quantity. And this cannot be good for a person with migraine. 2. Alcohol Besides dehydrating the body, alcohol can cause severe headaches, nausea, and eventually induce unwanted and serious migraine attacks. In fact, studies have estimated that it can trigger a migraine within 30 minutes to 3 hours. Such headaches are also called delayed alcohol-induced headaches, migraine patients are more prone to. So, if you suffer from migraine, try to stay from alcohol to remain healthy and fit. 3. Citrus fruits It could be a challenging option for patients, but it’s important for them to limit the quantity of daily consumed citrus fruits like apples, bananas, pineapples, etc.
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How to Diagnose and Treat the Types of SMA

How to Diagnose and Treat the Types of SMA

Spinal muscular atrophy. or SMA, is a group of diseases which generally affects the nervous system and the spinal cord. The symptoms of all the types of SMA are usually quite similar and generally occur when the motor neurons stop working. According to most of the health specialists, this usually happens when some of the genes, which are known as survival motor neuron, get damaged. 1. Diagnosis As these diseases are hereditary, it can be quite tough to prevent them. However, if it is diagnosed at an early stage, it becomes quite easier for doctors to treat the symptoms of the disease. Before proceeding with the diagnosis, the doctor will ask for detailed information about the patient’s medical history. He or she may also take a physical exam to check the tendon reflexes or the strength of the muscles. After the physical exam, he or she may ask for some tests to diagnose the disease. Some of these tests include: Blood tests Some of the types of spinal muscle atrophy (SMA) are diagnosed through blood tests. These tests generally aim to find the mutated genes which affect the motor neurons of the patients. Electromyography or EMG Electromyography or EMG is a type of diagnostic procedure which helps the doctor understand your muscle and motor neuron health.
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Bladder Cancer: Causes and Treatments

Bladder Cancer: Causes and Treatments

Bladder cancer starts due to an infection of tissues in the bladder’s wall which then leads to the formation of blood clots. It occurs when the bladder cells start to grow abnormally, causing tumors. This tumor spreads near the lymph nodes and to the different organs. When the condition worsens, it may spread to the bones and lungs, leading to severe complications. Bladder cancer is common among men above the age of 60; however, it may occur in women, too. Causes of bladder cancer include: 1. Consumption of tobacco and nicotine Smoking for an extensive period causes chemicals and your blood to combine. The kidneys then filter the water in the form of urine. When urine accumulates in the bladder, it repeatedly meets these chemicals; this causes changes in the bladder and increases the risk of cancer. This calls for urgent bladder cancer treatment. People who smoke four times a day are more likely to develop cancer than people who do not smoke at all. 2. Exposure to toxic chemicals and gases If you work in a chemical-based factory, you are extensively exposed to dangerous chemicals. This is the second cause of bladder cancer. These people are commonly at risk:
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Popular Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion

Popular Home Remedies for Nasal Congestion

A stuffy nose, or nasal congestion, is a frustratingly common problem. It occurs when the nasal and adjacent tissues and blood vessels become swollen from excess fluid which causes the stuffy feeling. It may even include nasal discharge or what’s commonly referred to as a runny nose. Nasal congestion has many causes, including allergies, inflammation or irritation of the nasal tissues, infections like colds, flu, or sinusitis, and irritants from tobacco smoke or car exhaust. Thankfully, this problem can be easily treated by using some effective natural home remedies for nasal congestion. Home remedies are not only affordable, but also very effective and come with fewer side effects. Listed below are some of the effective home remedies that help in solving the problem of a stuffy nose.: 1. Install a humidifier Using a humidifier is one of the easiest and fastest methods of battling sinus pain. A humidifier helps in converting water into moisture slowly and increasing the percentage of humidity in the room. The humidity content supports proper breathing as it helps in calming the inflamed blood vessels as well as irritated tissues. It also dilutes the mucus. Keeping a humidifier helps in calming the inflammation that is causing a stuffy nose.
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Causes and Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Hypertension

Causes and Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Hypertension

In some pulmonary diseases, the capillaries and pulmonary arteries become blocked, narrowed, and are destroyed. This situation makes it difficult for the blood to flow through the lungs, thereby raising the pressure within the arteries. The pressure in the arteries can weaken the heart muscles by making the heart work harder than normal. However, pulmonary hypertension can be treated successfully if you know the causes/risk factors of pulmonary hypertension. Based on the causes and symptoms, doctors tend to classify pulmonary hypertension into four different types. These types and their causes are: 1. Left-sided heart disease-causing pulmonary hypertension Failure of the lower left heart chamber Mitral valve or aortic valve disease, which is a left-sided valvular heart disease 2. Lung disease-causing pulmonary hypertension Sleep disorders like sleep apnea Exposure to high altitudes for a long time can cause pulmonary hypertension Emphysema which is a chronic and obstructive pulmonary disease 3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension It is also known as idiopathic PAH Prescriptions like methamphetamines can cause pulmonary hypertension. Abnormalities of the heart are present at birth Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension can develop pulmonary hypertension in families 4. Chronic blood clots-causing pulmonary hypertension A chronic blood clot in the lungs can lead to pulmonary hypertension 5.
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Tips to Manage Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Tips to Manage Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Having a healthy diet and leading an active lifestyle helps in treating prostate cancer. Healthy food items act as home remedies for prostate cancer, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle slows down the progression of the disease. Improved nutrition lowers the threat of a lot of fatal diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. One of the most important and necessary things is to maintain a healthy weight, since people who are overweight or obese are more prone to suffering from prostate cancer. Doctors mostly believe in maintaining a healthy diet, since they believe a poor diet is the only cause of prostate cancer. So, you need to wisely choose the items that have higher nutritional values and low fat and carbohydrates. Listed below are some tips about food consumption that can help in lowering the risk of prostate cancer. 1. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables Fruits and vegetables are filled with a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and antioxidants that help fight cancer and reduce inflammation. Doctors mostly insist on more consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, since most people don’t consume the necessary amount of vegetables and minerals daily. Try to include more cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage, as these are filled with antioxidants that help fight the free radicals, thus helping to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
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Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat ADHD

Lifestyle Changes to Help Treat ADHD

ADHD has become more common in children and adults these days. Most people suffering from ADHD face a problem with attention, finding it difficult to focus on daily tasks. Recent studies show that adults who are suffering from ADHD are affected by this issue since childhood, as the disorder tends to continue from adolescence to adulthood. Even though the problem is easy to handle while in childhood, it becomes impossible to handle after crossing the childhood period as adulthood comes with a number of responsibilities. Most doctors are of the view that to prevent the onset of ADHD, it is necessary to take some necessary medicines along with therapy, which helps in reducing the effects of ADHD. But it is better to continue with natural remedies for ADHD as they are much more effective and don’t lead to any side effects. Few changes in lifestyle can help you in surviving the disorder and bring improvements in your condition. 1. Regular workouts Nothing can beat the advantages of working out since it helps in reducing a lot of diseases and disorders. It also helps in reducing the symptoms of ADHD, as proper workout leads to a significant reduction in stress levels and increases concentration levels.
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Diagnosing Deep Vein Thrombosis

Diagnosing Deep Vein Thrombosis

The health condition in which blood clots occur deep within veins is called DVT (or deep vein thrombosis). If left untreated, DVT may lead to a life-threatening health disorder called pulmonary embolism, in which clotted blood travels through the bloodstream and gets logged in the lungs, thereby causing a blockage in blood flow. The causes of deep vein thrombosis can vary, and one should look out for the signs and symptoms related to this disorder: 1. Common symptoms of deep vein thrombosis In several instances, this disorder does not show any noticeable symptoms. However, some common symptoms that accompany deep vein thrombosis are as follows: Swelling in the legs, foot or ankle, generally on one side. This disorder rarely affects both legs. The skin covering the affected area might get a pale, reddish or bluish shade. Patients might experience cramps on the affected leg that usually starts at the calf area. The skin covering the affected area might feel warmer in comparison to the surrounding skin. Patients might experience severe pain, with no apparent reason, in the ankle or the foot. Various injuries or blood clotting disorders are some of the causes of deep vein thrombosis. These factors can often cause a particular category of DVT, called upper extremity deep vein thrombosis (UEDVT), in the arms or neck.
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Home Remedies to Naturally Prevent COPD

Home Remedies to Naturally Prevent COPD

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, refers to a number of chronic lung diseases including chronic bronchitis, refractory asthma, and emphysema. One of the major and most common symptoms of this disease is breathlessness. The disease is incurable and prevention of this disease is possible with proper treatment and diagnosis at the right time. It has been noticed that people who suffer from COPD can enjoy life by following the right natural remedies. This disease prevents proper airflow in the lungs, and most people who are diagnosed with this disease suffer issues in performing daily activities. There are a number of home remedies that help in proper prevention of the disease, which mainly clear the airways and help the person in proper breathing. Some of the helpful natural home remedies that improve the conditions of COPD are suggested below. 1. Give up smoking Smoking is one of the major causes of COPD and is also one of the common causes of death. People who are involved in tobacco smoking mostly face this disease, as the smoke causes major irritation in the lungs. The inflammation in the lungs creates a huge obstruction that leads to the airways to become narrow, thus making it difficult for the air to pass through them properly.
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