Whole30 Diet Tips
The concept of the Whole30 diet involves a few restrictions on what you consume for 30 days. This includes sugars, soy, dairy, legumes, and alcohol. The main purpose to avoid these foods is to understand the ill effects of the ingredients. The plan involves the intake of a variety of foods from different food groups at regular intervals. In spite of eating so much, you may feel hunger pangs now and then. This indicates that you are either not eating enough fats or due to mental and psychological reasons.
Here are a few tips to help you follow the Whole30 diet:
1. Hunger due to low intake of calories
Followers of the Whole30 diet are continuously under the feeling of dissatisfaction and hunger, which is a common problem because of insufficient food consumed. Like any other diet plan, people confuse the Whole30 diet to be a weight-reduction diet and end up eating lesser calories. However, that is not the case. The whole idea of this diet is to reduce the consumption of processed foods, not calorie intake.
2. Proper pairing leads to fewer cravings
Another reason for sudden hunger pangs could be improper nourishment from the meals consumed. Eating only one fruit while on a Whole30 diet in a meal will leave you dissatisfied, so instead consider eating a protein-based food or any healthy fat with fruit to fill your stomach. You could also include parts of fats, protein, and fiber in equal proportions. It is quite common for people to start craving sweet foods, especially if they are on this diet. Since you have not followed any diet plan before, this may occur but you have to fight this temptation and start eating healthy food. You will soon start seeing positive changes.
3. Fiber kills hunger for long
Fiber-rich foods, like spinach, sweet potato, vegetables, berries, and coconut are included in the Whole30 diet, which fulfill your stomach for a longer time. This, in turn, controls your blood sugar levels and lowers cholesterol. Sometimes, people also mistake hunger for thirst. You need to drink enough fluids with beverages to remain hydrated. However, do not kill your hunger by drinking too much water but understand your body and its signals.
4. Keep meals interesting
It would be monotonous to eat the same food repeatedly; instead, cook different recipes with varied spices, so that you don’t get bored with the diet. Your body welcomes variety, so try different recipes and make the meal more interesting and satisfying. Another reason for sudden hunger pangs could be an insufficient intake of carbohydrates and fat that digests slowly and keeps you full longer. Include more of Whole30 diet fats like olive oil to keep you satisfied. Also, eat three heavy, healthy meals a day to avoid midterm refreshments. Surely, snacks increase hunger so eat a balanced diet with fats, protein, and fiber in proper proportions.