Typical Odors That Trigger Migraines
There is nothing worse than having to endure a severe migraine, which can cause a throbbing sensation and even nausea. Migraines vary in intensity, which can be triggered by certain foods, stress, sounds, lights, and even specific smells. Below is a list of the five most common odors that trigger migraines:
1. Cigarette smoke
According to experts, there is a direct link between cigarette smoke and migraines, which also greatly increases the risk of cancer and heart disease. Smoking is considered a precipitating factor in migraine attacks. According to studies, nearly 30% of migraine sufferers are smokers, which may be caused by nicotine, the active ingredient in cigarettes. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, which can cause altered brain activity and trigger migraines. The odor of cigarettes alone can trigger migraine symptoms, which is why many patients who suffer from migraines have difficulty tolerating second-hand smoke. Cranial autonomic symptoms(CAS), which are subconscious symptoms such as sweating, nasal congestion, runny nose, and the dilation of blood vessels. Smoking can often worsen symptoms of CAS, which affects 70% of migraine sufferers.
2. Food odors
Surprisingly, certain food odors can also trigger migraine symptoms, which can be contributed to the chemicals in specific foods and drinks. Osmophobia is defined as the abhorrence or dislike of smells or odors, which is often linked to migraine symptoms. Nearly 90% of migraine sufferers experience osmophobia, which can often worsen or trigger migraine symptoms. The smell of certain foods can trigger nausea, feelings of happiness, and even migraines. There are a variety of foods, which are notes for their smell but also can contribute to migraine symptoms such as melons, garlic, vanilla, and onions. People who often suffer from migraines are prone to smell hypersensitivity and Vice versa.
3. Perfumes
Migraines are nearly impossible to avoid, even the smell of a beautiful perfume can trigger an intense migraine, which could be contributed to a fragrance allergy. Fragranced products such as perfume and cologne can also trigger coughing, sneezing, asthma attacks, and migraine symptoms, which is why many office buildings and hospitals permit employees from wearing perfume. Nearly 20% of Americans are allergic to commercial fragrances, which are the second most frequent trigger of migraines. Most perfume fragrances contain either crude or turpentine oil, along with a wide array of synthetic ingredients. These chemical ingredients can trigger severe headaches and migraines. Our nose contains thousands of receptors, which connects directly to our bloodstream. These receptors can cause our blood vessels to pulsate, which can cause migraine symptoms.
4. Cleaning chemicals
Cleaning products can often aggravate migraine symptoms, which is one of the most common migraine triggers. Most cleaning products emit strong odors, which are contributed to a common gas known as VOC(volatile organic compounds). These gases can trigger severe migraines when released, which is why many homeowners switch to green cleaning products. When using chemical cleaning products you should always open your windows. If a person who frequently suffers from migraines you should avoid products such as solvents, oven cleaners, and upholstery cleaning products.
5. Candles or air fresheners
Although most people find scented candles to be quite refreshing, they can also trigger headaches and severe migraines, which is similar to those who suffer from migraines caused by the scent of perfume. Beeswax candles are often preferred by people who suffer from migraines, many of which contain no added fragrances. Air fresheners are also commonly associated with migraine symptoms, which is contributed to one-third of those who suffer from migraines.