Treatments for all Types of Eating Disorders
The treatment of an eating disorder depends on the type of disorder and its symptoms. This treatment also involves alleviation of other health problems caused by eating disorders which can sometimes be life-threatening. If you have a specific eating disorder but it is not improving, you may need to be hospitalized or undergo inpatient treatment. Many other disorders are also associated with eating disorders, so you must opt for some treatment before the situation worsens.
The intensity of eating disorders and other co-occurring disorders are considered to determine the treatment method. Methods of treatments vary from person to person as the need for care also vary. There are generally five possible treatments for all types of eating disorders with possible effective outcomes.
1. Outpatient Eating Disorders Treatment
This treatment method is one of the least restrictive methods to cure all types of eating disorders among men and women with effective results. You just need to visit your nutritionist every two or three times a week.
This type of treatment is beneficial for young adults who have a busy schedule but also want assistance to recover from their disorder.
2. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
This treatment is mainly designed for those who need some extra support than that given in outpatient treatment, but it is also flexible and less restrictive in nature. You just need to visit your nutritionist three to five times a week and participate in some therapies like individualized therapy and nutritional consultation.
3. Residential treatments
This is a restrictive and structured treatment method to fight all types of eating disorders in a live-in setting consisting of 24 hours of care. During this treatment, medical supervision is constantly present, which helps to monitor your health conditions. The main focus of this treatment is on your physical and psychological cure.
4. Inpatient treatment
This treatment is characterized by daylong medical supervision in a hospital-like setting which helps monitor your health issues. The main focus of this treatment is to stabilize your medical issues with an effective outcome within a short time of 3 weeks. Once you are medically stable, your physician may discharge you to a residential treatment unit for further care.
5. Self-help
Self-help or support groups could be an effective solution for all types of eating disorders and other disorders. Self-help could eliminate any disorder because if you take an active role, you are less likely to fail.
Support groups are also helpful in this regard, as they give you a chance to open up and share your issues to others, which might be helpful to find effective solutions for you.
You might be surprised to know that treatments alone are not enough for you to overcome this disorder. Some support from your family is also needed for you to fight this disorder.