Tips on Healthy Treats for Cats
Cats are well known for their finicky taste buds. Sometimes they’ll eat anything you put in front of them and then, without warning, they’re turning their nose up at their once favorite dish. When this happens, it’s easy to reach for a bag of kitty treats so that they don’t go hungry, but those treats often contain ingredients that are unhealthy for your furry friend. Since more and more cats are becoming overweight and obese, it’s important to feed and treat them with healthy foods.
If you want to know how to take care of a cat, this article has some tips for you:
1. Give the cat some homemade food
Little kittens require twice the nutrition as adult cats. When your kittens are 5-6 months old, start giving them food four times a day. Try to feed a cat with its family to give it the right kind of nutrition. When cats are about 8-10 months old, do not feed them only milk or cat food. Give them homemade healthy cat treats like rice, milk, and curd. This will give the cat a taste of homemade food.
2. Make the right choice between dry or canned food
Choosing between dry or canned food completely depends upon the pet you are serving. Most kittens love the smell of canned food as it is one of the healthy cat treats, and it is high in nutrition. Also, the best brands serve other purposes too, like hygiene and health standards. However, remember to not give the canned food directly from the refrigerator to your cat, as it may not like it. Always let the content reach room temperature before it is given to the cat. On the contrary, dry foods do not get rotten even after lying outside for a day or two, and they are cheap too. Also, keep the bowl of water clean and make it a point to change it twice a day. Cats eating canned foods would drink a lesser amount of water, whereas cats consuming dry foods would drink more.
3. Make mealtime interesting for your kitty
When your cat is on a healthy cat treat like dry food, you have the liberty to leave it outside so that the cat is free to eat whenever it is hungry. This may lead to overeating too, as the cat may eat just to pass the time. Thus, there is no proper feeding time in fixed intervals left for the cat. Do not give your cat more than three meals a day. Meals should be served in the same place, away from any toys or the litter box that distracts its feeding time. Remove the bowl as soon as the cat finishes its meal and, if some food is left, cover it, so that it can be given later.
4. Offering sweet treats occasionally
You can occasionally supply your pet cat with special healthy cat treats that are rich in vitamins and other minerals. The best idea would be to give readymade food from the pet shop after asking your vet if it can be good for the cat.
Some cats may like the same food served every day, whereas some show disinterest as soon as the bowl comes to them. This habit should not be neglected, as it may be a cause of some serious illness. So immediately rush to your vet with your cat to avoid further complications.