Permanent and Temporary Home Hair Removal Methods
We all suffer the embarrassment of unwanted and abnormal hair growth in various parts of our bodies. Despite many claims for permanent removal of unwanted hair, few hair removal treatments can actually help you get rid of hair permanently (i.e., other than electrolysis or laser hair removal) without great personal expense. Luckily, there are numerous ways to remove hair weeks to months at a time.
Certain factors can affect the rate of abnormal hair growth, such as:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Tumors
- Medications
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Family history and obesity
Many people want to get rid of unwanted hair but do not visit a spa or esthetician because they are shy or unwilling to pay for expensive treatments. Mentioned below is a list of cost-effective and safe hair removal methods that can be done at home:
1. Herbal hair removal products
Imported and locally made organic products for permanent hair removal methods are available widely in natural markets. These include hair removal creams, gels, oils, lotions, beads, sprays, and powders made with ingredients like coffee beans, beeswax, shea butter, soy, olive and almond leaf extract, and essential oils that you may already have at home.
2. Electronic devices
Several electronic epilator devices are also widely used by both men and women to remove unwanted body hair. These devices electrically remove hair by grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and yanking them out, similar to waxing, but electronically and without removing the hair’s root. Epilator devices come in the form of e-pens, home laser machines, electric razors, etc.
Temporary hair removal methods at home
The very simple hair removal methods that temporarily remove unwanted hair are plucking, tweezing, waxing, sugaring, threading, razoring, and shaving. Waxing and sugaring in particular remove the hair root, as well as the cells from the epithelium of the epidermis, so there is a longer time between treatments. There are many home remedies that may help you get rid of facial hair. You can use a few kitchen items and prepare hair removal ingredients to make homemade waxes or sugars and use them as hair removal treatment.
- Sugar and lemon juice
- Lemon and honey
- Oatmeal and banana
- Potato and lentil
- Egg white and cornstarch
Mixing the above ingredients will form a face pack, which forms a thin crust over hair, which helps with more effective hair removal in the following ways:
- Sugar is a natural exfoliating agent whereas warm sugar sticks to your hair, thus inhibit hair growth by plucking it.
- Lemon juice works as a bleach for your hair and lightens the skin tone.
- Honey helps in moisturizing the skin.
- Oatmeal is a hydrating scrub that helps in removing the redness of the skin, facial hair, and glowing skin.
- Potato helps in bleaching the hair, making it less visible.
- Egg white is sticky and forms a thick crust together with corn and sugar, thus removing unwanted hair.