Herbs That can be Used to Treat Arthritis
It is important to remember that arthritis cannot be cured. The best you can do is manage the pain and prevent the condition from getting worse. Several clinical treatments can provide relief in a very short span but, unfortunately, they have other consequences too. Modern studies have shown that a few herbs can be used in treating arthritis in an old fashioned manner, without causing any serious consequences.
Nowadays herbs are widely used around the world, and it has been reported that their usage has been effective. Physicians do not recommend this method as a treatment, so it is best to consult a doctor before you begin using these herbs for treatment. Some of the herbs that can be used to prevent and manage joint pain are discussed below:
1. Borage oil
Borage oil can be used as an effective old fashioned method to treat arthritis. It contains a high quantity of GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) and linolenic acids, which help boost your immune system. Oils that contain linolenic acids can help reduce bone joint pains and muscle stiffness. However, extensive use of this oil can also have several toxic effects on your body’s cells.
2. Cat’s claw
Cat’s claw is the richest source of anti-inflammatory properties that can help in reducing joint pain and swelling. Besides its anti-swelling properties, it helps boost your immune system so that it can combat other diseases too. In terms of its side effects, cat’s claw can over-stimulate your immune system and sometimes increase your joint pain. You must consult with a physician before opting for this method.
3. Willow bark
Using willow bark is another effective treatment to reduce and control your joint pain and inflammation. Some studies have shown that this herb can be helpful for joint pains in some weight-bearing bones such as the back, hips, neck, and knees. You can have willow bark by directly chewing it or by adding it into your tea, and in the form of a tablet. You must keep in mind that overdosing on it can cause skin rashes and other inflammations. You are not advised to take this remedy if you have high blood pressure.
4. TGV (thunder god vine)
Thunder god vine can be used as a natural remedy to ease your joint pain and muscle stiffness because of its anti-inflammatory properties. This is considered to be one of the most effective treatments for arthritis, only when it is extracted from the skinned root of the vine. You might be surprised to know that it can be poisonous if it is extracted from other areas of this creeper. Also, you are advised to not use this for a long period.
5. Ginger
You might have used ginger as a spice while cooking. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing joint pain. In ancient medicine, ginger was used to increase blood flow, which can help heal the affected area. Using this herb with other treatments can help you to effectively reduce and control the intolerable pain caused by arthritis. However, a high intake of ginger can increase abdominal discomfort, mouth irritation, and heartburn.