Foods That Can Trigger Lupus
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that involves the body attacking its own tissues. If you have lupus, your body will attack your heart, lungs, joints, skin, and blood vessels. Some of the symptoms that can occur with lupus include rashes, muscle aches, fatigue, and chest pain.
While there is no way to entirely prevent the development of lupus, some foods can contribute to the onset or growth of the disease or can cause the symptoms to flare up. Therefore, lupus patients should try to avoid the following 6 foods:
1. Alfalfa sprouts
Alfalfa sprouts are grass seeds that you can grow easily in your kitchen garden. Most people usually slap them on their salads or eat them raw as a snack. Unfortunately, they also contain an amino acid called lysine that can trigger lupus. So, if you must eat sprouts, it is important to at least limit your intake and keep track of any symptoms that arise after consumption.
2. Fried foods
Fried foods are high in fat and calories but low in nutrients. They have been linked to increased inflammation in lupus patients, which can have some serious consequences. For those with digestive issues caused by lupus, fried foods can make such problems worse and cause pain and discomfort during digestion. Fried foods also contain acrylamide compounds, which is what makes them brown and crispy. Acrylamide has been shown to increase inflammation in the body, especially for those predisposed to autoimmune conditions like lupus. This inflammation can cause or worsen lupus symptoms, making it harder for patients to function and enjoy life.
3. Processed baked goods
Processed baked goods such as cakes, cookies, and pies contain trans fats. Trans fats have been found to contribute to lupus worsening. Some evidence also suggests that people who eat processed baked goods regularly may be more likely to develop lupus than other people. This is because these foods contain food coloring and preservatives that can aggravate lupus symptoms.
4. Creamy soups and sauces
Eating creamy soups and sauces can trigger flare-ups in lupus patients. If you need a creamy soup or sauce, try asking your doctor about drugs like methotrexate that could help decrease the severity of joint pain and other symptoms.
5. Red and cured meats
Red and cured meats are loaded with an amino acid called L-histidine, which is linked with the creation of anti-DNA antibodies found in people with lupus. Red meats also have a lot of myoglobin, which can worsen lupus symptoms. On the other hand, cured meats have extra nitrates, making them even worse for lupus than red meat. So, while eating smaller portions of red meat will help you digest it better and avoid problems, cured meats, like hot dogs, bacon, and sausage, should generally be avoided.
6. Whole dairy products
Many people don’t realize that dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and even sour cream, can contribute to this disease. This is because some dairy producers only heat their milk to pasteurize it, which doesn’t get rid of all the harmful bacteria. Since these bacteria can cause lupus flare-ups, staying away from dairy products as a whole can keep you from getting sick.