Causes and Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Hypertension
In some pulmonary diseases, the capillaries and pulmonary arteries become blocked, narrowed, and are destroyed. This situation makes it difficult for the blood to flow through the lungs, thereby raising the pressure within the arteries. The pressure in the arteries can weaken the heart muscles by making the heart work harder than normal. However, pulmonary hypertension can be treated successfully if you know the causes/risk factors of pulmonary hypertension.
Based on the causes and symptoms, doctors tend to classify pulmonary hypertension into four different types. These types and their causes are:
1. Left-sided heart disease-causing pulmonary hypertension
- Failure of the lower left heart chamber
- Mitral valve or aortic valve disease, which is a left-sided valvular heart disease
2. Lung disease-causing pulmonary hypertension
- Sleep disorders like sleep apnea
- Exposure to high altitudes for a long time can cause pulmonary hypertension
- Emphysema which is a chronic and obstructive pulmonary disease
3. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
- It is also known as idiopathic PAH
- Prescriptions like methamphetamines can cause pulmonary hypertension.
- Abnormalities of the heart are present at birth
- Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension can develop pulmonary hypertension in families
4. Chronic blood clots-causing pulmonary hypertension
- A chronic blood clot in the lungs can lead to pulmonary hypertension
5. Natural remedies
Natural remedies for treating pulmonary hypertension are quite easy to follow. Listed below are some of them:
Cut salt and sodium from the diet: The foremost thing suggested by doctors, if you are suffering from pulmonary disease, is to lower your salt intake. Staying away from a sodium-rich diet is a good way to keep blood pressure levels in check.
Exercise: Exercises like swimming, cycling, and walking help to maintain the overall health of an individual. But, one should avoid heavy-weight exercises as they may lead to straining, which is not good for high blood pressure. Exercise can also help you prevent some other causes/risk factors of pulmonary hypertension such as liver diseases and heart diseases.
Yoga: Yoga can be very helpful in reducing pulmonary hypertension in individuals. It helps to cleanse the energy surrounding the body to provide positive vibes. Yoga can help regulate blood pressure levels in individuals. There are specific types of yoga that can help you get relief from the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension.
Eat garlic: Research shows that garlic helps to widen blood vessels, which can keep the blood sugar level down. So, add garlic to your dishes to benefit from it and keep away the causes/risk factors of pulmonary hypertension.
Quit smoking: Regular smoking can do severe damage to your lungs. So, it is not advisable to people suffering from pulmonary hypertension.
Checking the weight: Excess weight or obesity can increase blood pressure levels, as it leads to the formation of fat in tissues which is not good for health. Eating a nutritious diet that is rich in fiber may help. Iron-rich diets help to lessen the causes/risk factors of pulmonary hypertension.
These are some of the home remedies that can help you subdue the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension. However, if you are suffering from any other disease, then talking with your doctor before opting for any of the remedies can be a great idea.