5 Simple Aids to Improve Indoor Air Quality
The quality of the air you breathe inside your home is just as important as the quality of the air you breathe outside. Poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory infections. It can also cause chronic conditions such as asthma and allergies to worsen, especially in the elderly and the very young. There are many types of home air filtration systems to help you improve the quality of your indoor air daily, and it doesn’t take much to set one up.
Here are five simple tips to help you improve the quality of the air you breathe in your home:
1. Get an air purifier
Air purifiers come in stand-alone units as well as part of your central heat and air systems. The stand-alone units vary depending on what you need it for and how much room you have where it will be operating. It’s best to do some research before committing to one to make sure you get the one you need.
2. Clean air ducts and vents
It’s very important to clean air ducts and vents regularly and consistently. Not only because they get unsightly with a build-up of dust and other debris but because this same dust and debris pollute the air you breathe. All you should need are some basic tools and cleaning supplies, depending upon where these ducts and vents are located in your home.
3. Change your furnace and AC filters
Furnaces need to have their filters changed every 90 days, and AC filters need to be changed every 6 months unless they get clogged up sooner. Changing these filters is quite simple and doesn’t require any special tools or knowledge.
4. Use HEPA air filters
The type of furnace and AC filters you use matters a lot when it comes to the quality of your indoor air. HEPA(high-efficiency particulate air) air filters and it can remove at least 99.9% of the dust, pollen and other pollutants from your indoor air. They’re also pleated which is a big deal. It means it will take longer for the air filter to become clogged and need changing.
5. Use dehumidifiers and humidifiers
These machines are very important to your air quality especially if you live somewhere very dry or very wet. Dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air, lowering the chances of mold developing in your home air filtration system and elsewhere in your home. Humidifiers add moisture to the air making it easier to breathe. Dry climates need the extra moisture so people don’t get nose bleeds from their nasal passages drying out.