5 Foods to Avoid for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a cancer that forms within the prostate, a tiny walnut-shaped gland in men that produces seminal fluid and sustains and transports sperm. It isn’t yet known what the exact cause of prostate cancer is; however, researchers link certain known risk factors to increased risk of prostate cancer. Moderating or avoiding the following cancer-contributing foods may help lower the overall risk of developing prostate cancer:
1. High fat dairy
Male patients who eat a lot of dairy (e.g., cheese, ice cream, sour cream, whole milk, etc.) are more likely to develop benign prostatic hyperplasia (or BPH)—which is prostate gland enlargement. Cutting out or cutting back on butter, cheese, and milk could help lower the risk of BPH. According to a study in the Journal of Nutrition, people who drink whole milk may be more likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer, compared to those who opted for skim or low-fat milk. If you like dairy, choose fat-free and low-fat options in moderation as they are better for your prostate health.
2. Cured and processed meats
The World Health Organization claims that men who eat a lot of processed meats (e.g., bacon, sausage, hotdogs, etc.) may be more likely to develop prostate cancer. Studies show men who eat meat have elevated levels of cancer-contributing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as well as heterocyclic amines, which have been linked to prostate cancer.
3. Fatty fast foods
Saturated fat is found in high levels in fatty fast foods, like fries and burgers. Diets rich in saturated fats have been associated with cardiovascular disease as well as prostate cancer. Also, multiple studies have found that males who consume a lot of saturated fat are more likely to develop advanced prostate cancer. Cutting back on saturated fats may promote prostate health as well as a healthy weight.
4. Red meat
Studies tie men who consume a lot of meat, especially well-done meat, with a higher risk of prostate cancer. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) could be to blame for this, which are prevalent in well cooked red meats like steak and hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage, and etc. Food cooked at high temperatures, via broiling or grilling, produces HCAs. The World Health Organization says that men who consume red meat may be more likely to develop prostate cancer.
5. Alcohol
Patients who consume alcohol daily may be more likely to develop prostate cancer. Researchers looked at data from more than 10,000 men who took part in the Prostate Cancer Prevention TrialTrusted Source and found that heavy alcoholic drinkers were twice as likely to be diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer; compared to those who drank less or no alcohol. Findings show that exceeding more than 2 drinks per day for men, puts you at increased risk of prostate cancer.